The VinoSophers

The VinoSophers


The idea of vinosophy is of course almost self-explaining, as it is a simple compound of the words vinology and philosophy. So in trying to understand it more deeply we need to go back to both fields of expertise. Vinology then is the study of wine and winemaking. Philosophy on the other hand can be described as the quest for understanding or a reasoned pursuit of the more fundamental truths. This brings it to the summation that vinosophy is the quest for understanding the more fundamental truths about wine. My vocation as vinosopher can then be best explained with the following description:

“A vinosopher is someone who longs for knowledge and wisdom about the nature of wine and the existential meaning associated with it. It refers to someone who not only enjoys drinking wine but also contemplates its underlying meaning and significance in life. A vinosopher thinks deeply about the cultural, historical and environmental aspects of wine as well as about the proces of making, the consumption and it’s appreciation. A vinosopher may ponder questions such as the role of wine in society, the ethics of wine production, the relationship between wine and the environment and the sensory and emotional experiences associated with drinking wine.”

As such I am active as a writer, judge, speaker, author, broker, educator and steward in the constantly evolving field of wine.


My activities and services as vinosopher can be best be qualified as:

As a writer I focus on vinosophical articles for various publications. The philosophical perspective in writing about wine make the articles original and illuminating. A unique point of view which is sometimes mind shifting as well as inspirational.
My first series of vinosophical articles will be published as a pocketbook by mid 2024 under the promising title: Vinosophy – cracking the myths of wine. All written in accordance with my trademark: pristine and at the same time thought-provoking.

As a writer I am available for editorial and promotional articles with a vinosophical touch.

I am an independent judge in the Glass of Bubbly Awards, a London based competition of sparkling wines from all over the world. This is an annual event in which every wine is tasted blind for it’s quality and faithfulness to style. There are multiple classes with corresponding awards. The competition receives wide media coverage in press as well as social media.

As a qualified wine taster I am available for judging in national as well as international wine competitions.

The best you can do with wine is to drink it, but second best is to talk about it. And as I have the talent to make a long story of any short story, I make myself available for thought provoking vinosophical introductions. These introductions are original, entertaining and tantalizing.

So feel free to invite me for a pioneering introduction or lecture on the barely explored territory of vinosophy.

As an author I’m writing a wine book which will be anyone’s guide who wants to choose his best matching wine in any situation. It will be titled ‘Wine – but which one should I choose? A handbook designed to give people that extra little boost of confidence and knowledge when it comes to choosing a glass or a bottle of wine in a certain situation.

Having a wide international network of wine experts, traders and connoisseurs I also act as intermediary for reselling or buy up of wine collections. This can be done on the basis of tailor-made conditions. The focus is on fine wines with aging history or perspective.

Hence, just contact me for any suggestions to resell your fine wine collection when relevant.

Wine tasting educator
As wine professional I arrange wine tastings to teach people about wine. The teaching is twofold. First, to help them develop insight in the factors underlying the aspects such as flavors, aromas, textures and overall quality. Secondly, to make them aware of their personal preferences regarding distinctive taste characteristics of wines. This gives them insight into which type of wines they prefer because of which characteristics. With this knowledge they can make substantiated decisions about the wines they personally like.

Ergo, for a vibrant and inspiring tasting with educational elements feel invited to contact.

Wine steward
As a hospitality entrepreneur, you generally have the responsibility for managing an appealing wine list. This requires knowledge of grape varieties, wine styles from different wine regions, as well as food and wine pairing, in order to offer a suitable wine experience for customers. As a wine steward, I can select suitable wines, put together a wine list or update it for you. With this service you are assured of a balanced wine program with which you can offer your customers a top-quality wine experience.

So, if you would like to be relieved of this crucial responsibility, please contact me.


My vinosophiocal articles focus on the nature of wine itself and the proces of wine making as well as wine consumption. All approached from a philosophical perspective, so investigating the more intrinsic aspects. Each step in my quest for understanding the more fundamental truths about wine starts with a question. And by reasoned pursuit I try to reveal new insights which hopefully also inspire others in there quest for the truth.


The VinoSophers

For the reason that a website like this is a rather static publication, a more suitable platform for profound vinosophical interaction is created on Linkedin. As LinkedIn is a platform for professionals active in various industries, it is also a stage where wine experts encounter their peers regularly. So therefore the LinkedIn group ‘The VinoSophers’ has been created: a community for the interested and informed wine expert.

The goal of the platform is to explore the knowledge and wisdom about the nature of wine and its underlying meaning and significance in life. Within this community participants can exchange information and conduct an open dialogue. Everyone can learn from the other through constructive and insightful discussions.

The Vinosophers is a public LinkedIn group in which anyone can participate through his/her LinkedIn account. If you want to join, click here and be welcome.


In my search for knowledge and wisdom about the more fundamental nature of wine and the associated existential meaning I came across various inspiring books. The most relevant are listed below, including the reviews as shown on

“Beauty and the Yeast: A Philosophy of Wine, Life, and Love” by Dwight Furrow (2020)

Wine is more than a beverage. Like great works of art, great wines have originality, dynamism, emotional resonance, and personality. Discover how wine can be so expressive in this remarkable philosophical romp through the aesthetics of wine production and wine appreciation. Previous work on the philosophy of wine has shown wine to be an important source of aesthetic experiences. “Beauty and the Yeast” takes this argument in surprising new directions. It analyzes wine as an expressive, living organism that challenges our assumptions about creativity, beauty, good taste, and objectivity and explains why the changing landscape of wine requires that we rethink the role of established wine traditions. The book offers unique philosophical insights into the nature of wine appreciation, wine language, and wine criticism, and explores a novel approach to wine tasting that reveals our emotional attachment to wine. After reading, you will never taste wine the same way again.

“The Philosophy of Wine” by Ruth Ball (2019)

An apt gift for oenophiles everywhere, this book includes chapters on the development of wine production, from the use of casks to bottles to the switch from feet to presses, as well as tracing the global shift of wine production from traditional wine-producing regions to emerging wine exporters. With a selective focus on unexpected facts and lesser-known characters connected with wine, from the Greek gods of wine to the monks who created Champagne and the ingenious ways French winemakers protected priceless vintages during wartime, this gift edition explores the historical influences that have shaped our drinking taste.

“The Philosophy of Wine: A Case of Truth, Beauty and Intoxication” by Cain Todd (2014)

Does this Bonnes-Mares really have notes of chocolate, truffle, violets, and merde de cheval? Can wines really be feminine, profound, pretentious, or cheeky? Can they express emotion or terroir? Do the judgements of ‘experts’ have any objective validity? Is a great wine a work of art? Questions like these will have been entertained by anyone who has ever puzzled over the tasting notes of a wine writer, or been baffled by the response of a sommelier to an innocent question. Only recently, however, have they received the serious philosophical attention they deserve. Touching on issues in metaphysics, epistemology, the philosophy of mind, and aesthetics, this book provides a clear and engaging discussion of the philosophical significance of wine that will be accessible to all wine lovers, specialists and non-specialists alike. The author offers throughout a sustained defence of the objectivity of wine judgements, a demystification of the nature of expertise, and a theory of the aesthetic value of wine and its appreciation.

“Wine and Philosophy: A Symposium on Thinking and Drinking” by Fritz Allhoff (2007)

The Greek word sympotein means literally to drink together. In the era of Socrates and Plato, the symposium was a central part of Greek culture: a gathering where men consumed wine freely and debated the issues of the day. Philosophers, wine critics, and winemakers share their passion for wine through well-crafted essays that explore wine’s deeper meaning, nature, and significance. Wine & Philosophy offers a playfully fresh, insightful – and, at times, controversial – perspective on the philosophical dimensions of wine and wine appreciation. Joining Beer & Philosophy and Food & Philosophy in the Epicurean Trilogy, the essays herein celebrate the ongoing relationship between wine and philosophical reflection, discussion, and debate.


Since some years I’m gripped by the – sometimes mystical – world of wine. As another one of my enjoyments is metaphysics and philosophy, the combination of these two guilty pleasures was born: vinosophy. This blend of interests expresses itself not only in the pleasure I have in drinking wine, but foremost in the joy to contemplate on its underlying nature and it’s significance in life.

To strengthen my vocation as a vinosopher, I follow the education to become a vinologist at the Dutch Wine Academy, which I hope to complete in mid 2024.

As “World’s first self-declared VinoSopher” I hope to inspire as much as possible others in their quest for the nature of wine and it’s significance in life.

Good vibes!
Corné van Nijhuis


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